Blue Ridge Outdoor Education Center staff are college graduates or interns. Instructors are trained and experienced in environmental education topics such as geology, biology, and forestry as well as outdoor education activities such as team building and high ropes and adventure programs like rock climbing. Interested in joining next season's staff? Learn more here.


I was born and raised in southern Michigan and spent my childhood camping, canoeing, and fishing in the state’s many forests and lakes.

My love of the outdoors and teaching eventually led me to Alaska where I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology at Alaska Pacific University and a Master’s in Marine Science from the University of New England in Maine where I had the pleasure of teaching hands on marine biology and biology labs that took me and my students everywhere from the rocky intertidal to the woods.

I also volunteered with the Marine Animal Rehabilitation and Conservation program and cared for seals and sea turtles.

Since finishing school, I have worked as a Steller sea lion observer living on remote islands in Alaska during the summers, as an instructor at Blue Ridge Outdoor Education Center for three years, and as a marine science educator in Louisiana. I am excited to return to BROEC as the Director!

Some of my hobbies include drinking tea, reading, and doing puzzles.

Assistant Director

Bailey was born and raised in Atlanta, GA and graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ecology, Behavior, & Evolution in 2023. Her interest in ecology began at age 4 by saving worms off of the sidewalk specifically because her mom told her not to.

Since then Bailey has studied and worked in California, Scotland, Chile, Oregon, and Virginia and is now thrilled to be back at BROEC for another season.

Bailey’s other interests include crafting, long walks, competing with her sister to see who can read more books in a year, and being a staunch advocate for the oxford comma.